

I was born on a rock

Deep in the blackness of space

Population one

Me, the only race

By myself, I was raised

Alone on this cold rock

For all of my days

But though I was alone

This rock was my home

And though I was alone

I didn’t know the meaning of the word

Just a fleeting hole that I felt

But that also flew away like a bird

On this rock

I valued my time

I knew myself to the fullest extent

And walked a straight line

Though all there was, was blackness

I could see past the night

Inside this rock

And into its light

Into this light

This soul that shines bright

That guides my home

Through all of space’s plight

And to world’s undiscovered

Unknown to my soul

And the blackness all around

I took all of space’s brutality

And turned it into harmonious sounds

Sounds of joy, hope, and laughter

Because on this lonely rock I found myself

That which my soul was truly after