Constant Inconsistencies

Constant Inconsistencies

I just want to go back to the beginnin’

Where I was innocent

And everything I was winnin’

But right now,

I’m just sittin’

Thinking about all the time

That has gone by

I’m soon to become an adult

But I don’t even know why

I’m soon to be on my own

And my old life will die

I want to go high in life

But I will only be met by an inconstant sky

I tell myself that everything is for a reason

But now everything seems like a lie

I am just here

Alive for yet another school year

The end of something long ago

That had begun

This change was inevitable

There was no need to run

I will always be stuck in this system

Because I don’t know any other one

For this is not an end of a system

But the end of a cycle

A new phase

That pre-maturely set up the remainder of my days

For our paths are created by what society expects

No matter what we make of ourselves

We will always be under their concepts

For we are lost in a society that is lost

We just innovate in inconsistency

And each generation adds up the cost

So I will just put in my brain

That I must go along with this game

Even if I fall out of it

I will just fall into another chain

Because the more I try to beat what’s fixed

The more I will go insane

6 thoughts on “Constant Inconsistencies

  1. nothing is fixed unless you allow it to be… I know this, do what YOU want to do, don’t let them hold you back… I am 61 years old and am finally doing what I want, don’t wait as long as I did to stand up for yourself, you only have one life, life it your way!! the best to you. Michelle

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  2. With my make money to live time I work for a law firm but with my ME time I am a Buddhist and spend a lot of time in mediation and loving the people and things around me. I try to live my life, outside and somewhat inside of the working world, as I want to. It makes all the difference 🙂 we all need to make a living but you can mix the two and be happy. the best to you! it really is all what you make it.

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